Arquivo de Tag: Brazil

The unfulfilled dream

There is nothing more bitter than the taste of being defeated. As humans, we are not prepared to deal with loss, defeat, the unfulfilled dream. Brazil today experienced the most traumatic outcome we… Continuar lendo

62nd Annual Festival of Nations University of Kansas

  Representing Brazil is not only a great honor, but a huge responsibility.  Brazil is incredibly diverse, in culture, in features. We are all mixed. You cannot find a random person and say… Continuar lendo

Nesta data querida…on this beautiful day…

Hoje é meu aniversário, e eu gostaria de agradecer a Deus este ano maravilhoso de 2013. Acredito que seja uma feliz coincidência que eu faço aniversário tão próximo do nascimento de Cristo, e… Continuar lendo